Theme info
Theme Structure
- ajax - CubePortfolio Projects
- css - All css files
- documentation - All documentation files
- features - Features page like alerts, button, tabs etc...
- fonts - bootstrap and awesome fonts
- img - All images for this template
- js - JavaScript Files
- sliderimages - LayerSlider images
css files
- bootstrap.min.css - Bootstrap css style
- font-awesome.min.css - Font Awesome style
- owl.carousel.css - owl carousel style
- zetta-menu.min.css - Zetta menu style
- animation.css - animation
- cubeportfolio.min.css - CubePortfolio
- style.css - theme style
- pink.css - theme pink style
- red.css - theme red style
- purple.css - theme purple style
- orange.css - theme orange style
- blue.css - theme blue style
- green.css - theme green style
- brown.css - theme brown style
JavaScript(js) files
- bootstrap.min.js - Bootstrap file
- gmaps.js - Google maps file
- isotope.pkgd.min.js - isotope portfolio file
- jquery-1.11.1.min.js - jQuery file
- jquery.countdown.js - Count Down file
- jquery.countTo.js - Count to file. For counting
- jquery.easing.min.js - Easing file
- jquery.parallax-1.1.3.js - Parallax file. For parallax section
- jquery.placeholder.js - Placeholder file. For IE placeholder
- jquery.ui.totop.min.js - Back To Top file
- main.js - Theme main jquery file
- owl.carousel.js - Owl Carousel
- greensock.js - For Layerslider
- layerslider.transitions.js - For Layerslider
- layerslider.kreaturamedia.jquery.js - For Layerslider
- wow.min.js - For Animation
- jquery.sticky.js - For Sticky Navigation
- lightbox-gallery.js - For CubePortfolio